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April 20, 2012


Great layout...love your handwriting!

That's so cute. The source of inspiration is great, too. Makes me want to rearrange my family photos on the wall. :)

How cute. I love the way you were insprired. Thanks for sharing.

wonderful page! Love the colors you used .

Beautiful, nic!
Love that green!

Love your creativity of decoring the wall.And the thought you had put is great for inspiration.

Grate article!

Thanks for the post. It's usefull for me.

Good article, it is very usrful for me. Thank you!

“And so it has been, and so it is written
On the doorway to paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price”

Wall Decor was recently flicking through a home decor magazine when I came across this photo of a colour full wall with photo frames across this wall.

I really like this inspiration.

I shouldn't be taking the ibuprofen because it would ruin my stomach.

Nice wall decors and very refreshing to the eyes.

I'm excited about this! Thank you for being so generous with your experience and encouragement.

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