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November 21, 2011


This is a super cute idea Jen!

Salut , tes marques pages sont superbes c 'est une délicieuse idée pour les maîtesses maîtres d'écoles , cela me donne de l'inspration !!!!!!! Merci et bravo !!!!!!!! Gaëlle.

Fabulous idea Jen! Great as stocking fillers. Thanks for sharing the step-by-steps!

Thanks for sharing everything!

Salut , tes marques pages sont superbes c 'est une délicieuse idée pour les maîtesses maîtres d'écoles , cela me donne de l'inspration !!!!!!! Merci et bravo !!!!!!!! Gaëlle.

A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.

Have you ever had a topic to write about that seems too big to tackle that you can’t even begin to write about it? Well, welcome to my world. I need to send educational supplies to Africa. I know! You have so many questions racing through your head right about now. Let’s just say – all of your questions will be answered in due time. For now, listen to my heart and my passion

"Do you ever think about heaven?" she asked me.

thanks for ur information

you ever think about heaven o many questions racing through your head right about now. Let’s just say – all of your questions will be answered in due time. For now, listen to my heart and my passion

Please continue to research deeper - it is Chinese culture to save ones face in the community by not disclosing or showing exactly how much you have been taken for. You are just scraping the iceberg.

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  • Fancy Pants Designs opened business in November, 2004 and has grown quickly over the years with the help of many creative people, detailed designers and dedicated fans! It was started by a scrapbooker, for scrapbookers that appreciate the value of preserving memories through creativity and art...and it remains that way today. Fancy Pants Designs specializes in creating unique and innovative products for scrapbookers, paper crafters and creative people worldwide! Every member of our team loves what they do and it shows in every product we release!

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