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November 18, 2011


Great ribbon ideas, Leah!!!

beautiful ribbon ideas. love this line of product.

Leah...you are so stinkin' smart! I love your creative ideas!

I love those ideas! Thanks!

These are absolutely fabulous! Thanks for the ideas!

Simple, yet amazing! Why didn't I think of it?!? LOL, thanks for sharing! :D

great ribbon techniques Leah! TFS!

HOw cool!

Wow! Amazing techniques! Will be using these on some of my cards!

What cool ribbon techniques! Thanks for the great ideas!

such gifts are adorable. but dont you think there should be a blue button on the left side of bottom loops and the yellow on the left of middle loops?
Gifts to pakistan

Thanks for sharing everything!

Thanks for sharing everything!

“What would you like?” the person at the counter asks me.

very funny,like it.


These are awesome!

I agree, Equitatus. That's why I'll be following up as this progresses. First stop, bankruptcy court tomorrow.

Absolutely fabulous love your tut also

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  • Fancy Pants Designs opened business in November, 2004 and has grown quickly over the years with the help of many creative people, detailed designers and dedicated fans! It was started by a scrapbooker, for scrapbookers that appreciate the value of preserving memories through creativity and art...and it remains that way today. Fancy Pants Designs specializes in creating unique and innovative products for scrapbookers, paper crafters and creative people worldwide! Every member of our team loves what they do and it shows in every product we release!

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