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November 19, 2010


What a stunning LO. x

Cathy Harper rocks! love her layout

Cute layout! Great choice!

Both gorgeous layouts! Way to go Cathy!

Both of these layouts are great. Super job to Cathy!!

Thanks so much, Rachel! Love your page, gorgeous! I am thrilled to be your first pocket chick pick!

Love this layout & both look so different but are alike somewhat.

great !! i love !!

both layouts are gorgeous!

Wow Cathy!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am always blown away by Cathy's layouts,she's awesome.

Great choice Rachel....Cathy's page is so sweet! I love how you interpreted it...& those distressed strips look great!

I "like" you on Facebook. Would love these for my oldest boy!

J'apprends beaucoup de votre article. La vie est un beau voyage. Tout le monde ne peut vivre qu'une seule fois. Les gens sages savent que nous devrions profiter de notre vie. Nous devrions nous soucier tout autour de nous. Vêtements, nourriture, amis, familles et tout le reste. Allez, un monde meilleur pour vous et pour moi. Dans le même temps, je pense que mon site est très bien aussi.

Cathy Harper fantastic! Love her layout.http://www.obd2s.com

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  • Fancy Pants Designs opened business in November, 2004 and has grown quickly over the years with the help of many creative people, detailed designers and dedicated fans! It was started by a scrapbooker, for scrapbookers that appreciate the value of preserving memories through creativity and art...and it remains that way today. Fancy Pants Designs specializes in creating unique and innovative products for scrapbookers, paper crafters and creative people worldwide! Every member of our team loves what they do and it shows in every product we release!

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