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August 05, 2010


Love the colors of this release! Wonderful projects!!

Love the colors of this line, and projects are adorable! I especially love the cute panda card!!!!

Loving all the creations designed with this line!

That panda is so cute!
Love the misting on the projects :)

I love the team's work and this collection. The colors are bright and cheery, which definitely feels like a happy day!

Just picked up two of these collections plus some "extras"!! TOTALLY versatile...not just birthday! Love the bright colors & that Panda just suckered me in! :)

Health and understanding are the two great blessing of life.

Such a good writing, or by I saw for the first time. I'm quite happy, you are a good writer

Thank you for the article, I saw after the enlightened, my idea like you, just not good at expression

You can share some of your article, I'm like you write something, really very good! I will continue to focus on

Never done in the article comments, this is my first network comments, appreciate you sharing. Very good article

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  • Fancy Pants Designs opened business in November, 2004 and has grown quickly over the years with the help of many creative people, detailed designers and dedicated fans! It was started by a scrapbooker, for scrapbookers that appreciate the value of preserving memories through creativity and art...and it remains that way today. Fancy Pants Designs specializes in creating unique and innovative products for scrapbookers, paper crafters and creative people worldwide! Every member of our team loves what they do and it shows in every product we release!

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